I picked this thermometer since the picture shows that it has hash marks around the entire face allowing a pretty accurate read of the temperature no matter where it is. Instead, I received a thermometer that only has two labeled temperature points: at 235*F and 475*F :-| I received the same model number as advertised. The contents are just different.
Two stars since it still works just fine, but I wanted more delineation on the pointer. I can extrapolate the temperature, but I shouldn't have too.
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This woodstove pipe thermometer is almost exactly like the one it replaced (also by Condar) which finally broke after 19 years. Hope this one lasts as long. It was the best priced of all thermometers I looked at. Easy to see temperature ranges marked "best operation", "too hot", etc.
Best Deals for WoodSaver Stove Pipe Thermometer Model 3-16
The thermometer is obviously of cheap quality and DOES NOT HAVE ANY DISCERNIBLE TEMPERATURE MARKINGS, so its basically useless as a thermometer.
Honest reviews on WoodSaver Stove Pipe Thermometer Model 3-16
If you were buying this specifically for the incremental numbering (as pictured), be advised that the actual product has a gray zone that indicates best operation, but you will not get a specific temperature read. It obviously works in the sense that you can still keep an optimal operating temperature, but some of us geeks like hard data, down to the degree. Otherwise, seems like a great product.
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I have heated with wood for years and always had trouble with the chimney getting full of creosote. With this thermometer and the instructions I now know how hot to burn my fire and the chimney (and the glass door) stay much cleaner
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