Friday, October 31, 2014

Brick And Stone Cleaner 16oz Reviews

Brick And Stone Cleaner 16oz
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Only takes one thin layer off at a time. In one location there is a big black mass and this doesn't do much for it. The black mass is maybe 1/4-1/2 inch thick in one spot. If there is a thin amount of black it will take it off. Comes off in thin layers. Spraying and wiping with an old t shirt. Doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. A little at a time. Should have a tray underneath as well. This is last years mess, I am cleaning.

If you get it on your finger it is like bleach. Gets slimy like.

The smell is not too bad for a cleaning chemical of some sorts. When you spray it within a fireplace it can get misty or somewhat in the air. I would back off for a little bit after spraying and then come back to it.

When I spray it I can see brown/black coming off or mixing with it. It doesn't work magically though. You don't want to ruin the brick as well. Some masons clean with acids. That can be extremely dangerous however.

Also, I would recommend rubber gloves of some sort. Maybe safety glasses as well. Bottle I think tells you that it is an irritant.

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This is the best stuff I have used in a home fire,,It works fantastic,,

I need a gallon of this stuff so please email me with a web site to purchase more;)

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Our contractor rebuilt beautiful fireplaces for us and it burned me that after each use there would be black grime on previously shiny bricks. So I ordered this cleaner and use it to wipe off the smudges in the morning, atfer removing ashes from the fireplace. I spray the smudges, let them sit for a couple of minutes, then rub off with a paper towel. The inside of my fireplace looks shiny and new again.

Honest reviews on Brick And Stone Cleaner 16oz

dont know much how it cleanes came after i painted my fireplace was very disapointed on delivery/still kept it which i should have sent back

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You have to put a decent amount of elbow grease into it, but it works. What more can you say about a cleaning product? It has a superior spray bottle? Am I up to the 20 word minimum yet?

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