Wednesday, April 16, 2014

STEELCAT Steel Honeycomb Catalytic Combustor (CS-257 / 1P259 #2) Review

STEELCAT Steel Honeycomb Catalytic Combustor for VERMONT CASTINGS wood stoves. Measures 2.5' wide by 13' long by 2' thick. STEEL HEATS UP FASTER THAN CERAMIC RESULTING IN MORE HEAT RECOVERY!. A worthwhile extra expenditure for better performance. Made in the USA by Condar, 'The Combustor Experts'. GASKET INCLUDED
Customer Ratings: 3.5 stars
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Having owned three Vermont Casting Defiant catalytic stoves (Yes; I'm a very happy V.C. customer of 30 years), I can state that the STEELCAT is by far the best combustor I've ever owned. It does everything Condar states; Heating up MUCH faster than any of the OEM combustors. We immediately found that we are using less wood due to longer burn time. I waited six weeks before writing this review on it's performance. I hope I ham as pleased a few years from now if it also outlasts the V.C. orginal.

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Purchased one of these to replace a crumbling ceramic unit. Seemed like a good idea at the time. At the end of one season, the stove became slugish and I was unable to engage the cat by the end of the season. Just pulled it out and the cells have corroded and disintegrated and completely plugged the unit. Be clear, this is not a creosote plug. Would not recomend this unit to anyone.

Best Deals for STEELCAT Steel Honeycomb Catalytic Combustor (CS-257 / 1P259 #2)

...unit is breaking down. The metal fins are crumbling. Under the warranty I can get a replacement for about $100, but why would I want to base upon this performance. I so wanted to by American too. I'm sticking with the ceramic.

Honest reviews on STEELCAT Steel Honeycomb Catalytic Combustor (CS-257 / 1P259 #2)

Replaced Cat after toooo many years in my Defiant Encore . Felt that I would buy the best that was available . Stove seems to be able to go to the converter earlier and the logs last longer . Will let you know at the end of the season but at this time I am completly happy .

AFTER the season still feel it was worth the price . Worked like I had hoped ,stove worked like new .

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for STEELCAT Steel Honeycomb Catalytic Combustor (CS-257 / 1P259 #2)

Don't buy this one, buy the ceramic catalytic. We went on the reviews and bought the steel catalytic and it crumbled within 3 months. This winter (2011-2012) has been warmer than usual and the stove use has been lighter than in years past. We called Condar and they replaced it with the ceramic catalytic with no problem! We think that Condar is a great company and stands behind their products!

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