Thursday, September 4, 2014

Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals Review

Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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With a major Cub Scout campfire coming up, I started researching how to produce colored flame. The standard searches came up with a lot of references to the subject, and in no time I had a list of the chemicals I'd need to produce the various colors. Then I started searching for the chemicals I'd need. Most were available for purchase, but were not cheap. There was really no hassle to ordering a kilogram or more of some of these chemicals, but I was amazed--and put off--by what I thought were exorbitat prices.

Then I typed "color flame" into and up came this stuff. Not having any experience with colored flame before, I purchased this product, along with Rainbow Flame Crystals for the Cub Scout campfire. Some modest prior experimentation in the charcoal grill at home showed that the stuff works just as advertised.

At the campfire this product produced some very nice blue, green and every so often purple flame, which both the kids and the adults found very enjoyable (hint: don't tell them that you're using this stuff, especially the kids). The effects lingered for some time, about five minutes per heaping tablespoon of product. I found that a larger amount--maybe a half cup--was the best way to apply the product to a large fire.

Also, it's better to sprinkle the product throughout the fire, rather than pour it in so it piles in a single location. Dispersing the crystals troughout the fire will create an instant and thorough color flame effect, while pouring will get you an instant effect in a single location, with a pile of crystals that becomes somewhat self-insulating. Once a log falls or you stir the coals, and that pile of crystals is disturbed you will get another burst of color, which actually is a pretty cool effect, giving you shots of color hours after you've applied the crystals.

Once that big campfire was going, I simply tossed an entire package or two directly into the fire. Using the pour or sprinkle settings on top of the package (just like your home spice containers) isn't practical for a large fire, and as described above, the effect can be quite good.

The best thing about this product is its price. Given what I'd discovered about ordering colored flame-producing chemicals, the price for this item, already prepared and ready to go, is simply outstanding. In fact, the low price had me buying more than one.

Bottom line: This is a simple product which delivers exactly as promised. I've got more scout camping and campfires coming up this summer, and this product will figure prominently in those activities.

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I am generous with the shakes when placing this in a campfire. I don't use the strainer part, I use the pouring spout (heh). You might find that you can go through an entire container in just a weekend's camping. This product adds colorful greens and blues to the natural reds and golds of your campfire. Can add fun emphasis to a story being told around the fire.

Best Deals for Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals

These crystals are awesome. A few years ago a crafty friend showed me how to use them for camping. Collect some pinecones and pour on or paint the pinecones with wood glue. Painting is neater. Then pour the crystals over the glue painted pinecones. Set them on a plate to dry. Package them up for gift giving in clear plastic bags. These can be used in a fireplace or at a campfire. The crystals burn pretty colors and everyone will enjoy that!

Honest reviews on Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals

Very simple effect of colored flames with the crystals in the can.

Simple but for the kids worth every penny.

You get 3 different colors and last for any between 3-8 minutes.

Worth the $4.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Seymour Mfg. 30-525 Color Flame Crystals

The product does provide some spectacular colors... Just make sure you have everyone gathered around to view as it does not last very long... like a minute or 2.

Definitely not worth the price.

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