Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $9.69
Sale Price: $7.98
Today's Bonus: 18% Off

I can start a fire in my woodstove with one match everytime.
I heat my entire home with wood,so once it gets cold I build 1 or 2 fires a day...Every day.
I put two pieces of split wood on the bottom,angled a bit into a "V".I then place two chunks(4 to 6 chunks per bar) of the firestarter in the "V" made from the first two pieces of wood.I then place 2 or 3 smaller pieces across the V, then one larger piece on top...Now comes the kicker(and should not be done if your stove has a fancy ceramic catalytic converter) I give the V a squirt of charcoal lighter fluid....a little dab will do ya!
Throw in a match..WHOOSH! I leave the door cracked for a few minutes,then add wood and tighten it down for a long burn.
When you heat completely with wood you don't want to spend any time starting the fire...I'm a pro.
This is a good product.
Of course, good seasoned or dry wood is essential.
Works everytime.
PS this item is available from wally world for under 10 bucks.
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We use these to start every wood fire we have, which is almost every night, and they are terrific. They eliminate the need for wads of newspaper to start the fire and they never fail. They were delivered promptly.
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These little sticks work wonderfully for starting fires. I have found that they can be divided into smaller segments, halves or even thirds and still get a fire going depending on the condition of the wood you are starting. Great product.
Honest reviews on Wood Fire Starter
This is one of those products that would probably get a 5-star review if there weren't other products on the market that are far better. I've always used StarterLogg's. One of the big box stores didn't have them and they assured me these Duraflames were the same thing they're not.
Starterlogg's have the consistency of pressboard mixed with wax. When you separate them they leave craggly surface that starts fire easily. Duraflames are closer to MDF much denser and smoother harder to start. They also have a wax paper wrapper which you're supposed to light. Every time I've tried this the paper just burns off and leaves a charred lump.
The only way I've found to use these is tear the wrapper off, break a brick into smaller pieces, scrape one end to try to get a rough surface area and light. Then after it's been burning for 3-4 mins take a fireplace poker and knock off the burning end to make kind of an "ember slurry". After that it will burn good, and start anything, but it's just more hassle than it needs to be when there are much better options for the same price.
By the way, if you dont mind the effort you can make your own just by mixing melted paraffin/candle wax with sawdust.
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Light it put a couple of logs on and you are done. It's so nice for the outside fireplace. Simple quick easy.